Many residents of the Nagwa basti suffer from years of malnutrition and unhygienic living conditions. To treat their everyday ailments, ACT runs a walk-in clinic staffed by our full-time nurse and a doctor who comes once a week, donating his time to serve our community. For medical needs beyond what we can provide on-site, ACT facilitates doctor visits and other care.
In addition to running the health clinic, ACT distributes necessities for good health that the children of the basti otherwise would not have access to. All students in the Ashray School are given nutritious chyawanprash and milk each day. Every month, they receive soap. And proper uniforms and shoes are provided as needed for both winter and summer terms. Ultimately, the goal is self-dependence for our community, so ACT also focuses on educating the basti residents, both in and outside the school, about proper hygiene and nutrition, especially the importance of clean drinking water.